SQUEEEEEE OMG SQUEEEEEEEEEE “Gabriel Went Out Like a Man, Not a Weenie” – Richard Speight Jr. On His Character’s Exit
читать дальшеRichard Speight, Jr. should really have a killer headache – on last week’s Supernatural, the hammer of the Gods came down squarely on his head.
Actually it came down on Gabriel’s head. And we’re the poorer for it. Fans appreciated the character’s snarky wit and strange fascination with the Winchester boys when we only knew him as The Trickster, but once it was revealed that he was in fact the archangel Gabriel, the popularity of the newly complicated character soared. And within hours of Gabriel’s demise at the hand of his brother Lucifer, fans began posting tribute videos, meta lauding his sacrifice, and fanfiction lauding his other attributes *ahem*. There’s even an online petition to bring Gabriel back to the Show. As the petition says, “Gabriel is both the source of good humour that was always part of the Supernatural series, and has a strong, captivating character, and it seems unfair to us, fans, that he got written off the show when he just started to develop plot and back story of his own.”
So, we wondered, what does Richard think of the flurry of appreciation and protest? First, he thinks this fandom is awesome. “How great are these fans?” he asked. “They get so involved – and they mean business!”
One of these days, the rest of the world will realize that too. Don’t mess with fandom!
He also shared his thoughts on Gabriel’s demise.
“From an actor’s standpoint, I’m sorry it had to happen. It is the most fun character I’ve ever been paid to play. I am going to miss it. Big time. From a character standpoint, I’m glad Gabriel went out like a man. Odd analogy for an angel I suppose, but if you think about it, it fits. So often, the angels on this show are bitching and moaning and manipulating – and no one has been a bigger weenie than Gabriel. He has avoided the whole conflict by hiding behind a different persona. Finally, at the 11th hour, he ‘cowboyed up’ and faced his issues – which in his case happen to come in the form of the all powerful Lucifer. He should have come up with a better plan of attack, but the fact that he attacked at all is a miracle. What’s more amazing is that he did so at a time when the boys truly needed him to. He helps them survive, then salvages his own eternal reputation by confronting his brother and shooting straight with him for the first time ever. He went down on the right side of the fight – the human side – and he went down swinging. And that’s a damn fine way to go out.”
Richard also had some observations about Dean.
“As far as Dean goes, he seems really comfortable telling Gabriel to take on his brother – and even kill him – when there have been many times that Dean has seemed unwilling to do the same. Perhaps Dean needs to take a page from the Gabester (that’s Gabriel + The Trickster) and listen to his own advice.”
А вот здесь уже сложнее, дорогой друг. Поэтому я пожму плечами.
- И ты просто бросаешь её без видимых причин, после десяти лет в браке...
Далее следует тирада, наполненная эпитетами, выразительными взлетами и падениями интонации, и хорошо хоть не воздеванием рук к небу. Я не слушаю, Марко. Я не слышу тебя. Не тебе говорить о причинах, мистер Сначала-Делаю-Потом-Думаю. Я смотрю на свои руки, лежащие на коленях - обычные руки, чуть узловатые худые пальцы, загрубевшая кожа на подушечках, в школе я истирал их в кровь игрой на акустике - вряд ли ты вообще когда-то обращал внимание на мои руки. Разве что когда я тебя щекотал, пока мы валяли дурака у Кэпа, в перерывах между бренчанием на гитарах и миксованием безумных дэнс-треков, которые, я очень надеюсь, он все-таки потер. Я-то смотрю на твои руки постоянно, с тех самых пор, как познакомились, с тех самых пор, как ты прибеднялся, говоря, что играешь хуже меня. Вздор, не в технике дело. Дело не в том, как ты играешь, делаешь, любишь - а что. В последнем случае - кого. Мы слишком давно знакомы, чтобы я мог чувствовать себя неловко рядом с тобой. Я даже не краснею, когда ты обнимаешь меня на сцене - в конце концов, ты ко всем нам лезешь на концерте, энергию надо выплескивать. Её в тебе слишком много - хватает на несколько тысяч фанатов в зале, да еще и нам достается.
Я не смущаюсь, когда ты прижимаешься ко мне всем телом, кладешь голову мне на колено, придерживаешь за плечи, глядя в глаза, так, как будто это самое правильное, что может быть на свете, как будто мы на короткий миг вдруг остались одни, не перед беснующейся толпой, не под обжигающим светом софитов, одни во всем мире. Я уже привык. Но я до сих пор прячу глаза, когда вижу, как твои пальцы обхватывают микрофон, небрежно скользят вверх-вниз по микрофонной стойке. Я краснею, как девочка-фанатка, - надеюсь, тебе нет дела до меня, и ты никогда этого не замечал. Я даже рад, если тебе действительно нет дела до меня, потому что так проще. У тебя много друзей, тысячи знакомых, и каждый может рассчитывать на толику твоего внимания, на твою улыбку, которая мгновенно освещает даже самые темные вечера. А мне достаются вымученные "Твою мать, Олли, как же я устал" и твой простуженный кашель по ночам за картонной стеной отеля. И, наверное, я бы хотел, чтобы мне тоже не было никакого дела до тебя.
- Ты вообще меня слушаешь?
Отрицательно мотнуть головой. Марко, перестань задавать вопросы, у меня кончились жесты. Вздыхаешь, качаешь головой, встаешь и подходишь вплотную - я вижу краем глаза.
- Встань, - не повелительно, не просительно, просто, как будто в один из вечеров в студии: "А возьми D7", в надежде на то, что что-то изменится, станет лучше. И я встаю, еще до того, как твой голос затих.
И вдруг, неожиданно, твои руки вокруг меня, кольцом, из которого не выбраться, да и не хочется, а губы - твои губы - неуверенно, медленно - ты зажмурился, Марко? Смешной - теплое прикосновение на моем виске, дыхание шевелит обрезанные когда-то в порыве отчаяния волосы, ладонь на затылке. Больше, чем слова, которым ты никогда не придавал много значения. И мне остается только уткнуться носом - губами - в твою шею, и мысленно задать тебе один вопрос. Тебе столько лет не было до меня дела, как случилось, что ты все-таки понял?
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
читать дальшеЯ не поздравила одного человека с др... Было оно 20 апреля... В этот день она зашла к нам в офис. На тот момент я была занята и просто не думала о поздравлении. Позже я позвонила ей, но у нее был отключен телефон... Потом я опять забегалась и совсем забыла... =((( Мне реально очень стыдно... Но сегодня я чисто для себя повесила заметку в контакте. Она откомментила: Я просто в шоке от тебя. "падрушка" И тут мне стало как-то противно... Противно от самой себя и противно от нее... я не просила комментить заметку про Ричарда... (гы... кто ринулся ее читать? ) Могла и на стене написать, что я такое говно и бла-бла-бла... мне бы действительно было херово и я бы ползала и просила прощения... но вот так... вот именно в этой заметке... пистец... теперь я не знаю хочу ли вообще что-то ей говорить... оО
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
читать дальшеCrac! Поделиться Сегодня в 2:44 There's a section of my book Life's That Way that almost stands alone, and I often read it at public readings and book signings. Because someone was kind enough to send me a link today, I am able to augment that section in a way that will perhaps be particularly meaningful to those who've read the book. For those who haven't, here's the section, along with the link:
MAY 31, 2004
It's the sound a rocking chair makes when one of the rockers breaks off.
It's also the title of a short animated film made in 1980, which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1982. Cecily and I stumbled across the fifteen-minute film years ago when it was used as filler on the late, lamented Z Channel in L.A.
Crac! tells the story of a French-Canadian family from pioneer days through the modern industrial era, all through the "eyes" of a rocking chair made by hand by the patriarch of the family.
The father has carved a face in the crest rail, and with smiles or frowns, the chair watches all that goes on around it. Children are born, and they are rocked in their mother's arms in the chair. As they grow, they use it as a plaything, their imaginations metamorphosing the chair into a sleigh, a fort, a locomotive, whatever their little minds can conjure. At night the family sits around the fire, lost in individual reverie, huddled near father as he rocks and smokes his pipe. Seasons pass. Children grow and wed. At a wedding dance, the old ladies rock in the chair and watch the young folks celebrate.
And when the chair is old and rickety, just like the man who made it, finally one of its rockers breaks. Crac! Yet there's life in and for the old chair yet, and though the world around the rocking chair transforms with the passing years into something not so pretty or bucolic or likely to render tender memories, eventually the life that the chair has seen, the glories and warmth and security of family and love and community find their revival, and the resonance of the brief story lingers long, long afterward.
Something about this little movie touched me and Cecily deeply. The joys of family love and tradition that she longed so for in her life were beautifully presented in Crac! The music, French-Canadian folk-type music, was redolent of a quieter, more peaceful, and communal time. The detail of the animation, the quirks in the chair's little face, the subtle shifts of mood, made this one of the most treasured experiences Cec and I had together. We saw it many times on the grainy videotape I'd made of it, accidentally captured at the tail end of some movie in the mid-Eighties. Eventually, I found it on DVD and we saw it again, this time with new appreciation for the artistry and color. I am certain that in all the many times we saw this little film, there was not one time that Cec didn't turn to me afterwards and slowly dissolve into tears. Everything she ever wanted in her life was somehow literally or figuratively captured in this little strip of animation. The continuum of love and family, the resonance of happy times that she always believed lingered inside inanimate objects, the traditions of shared affectionate life that she so hoped to create in her own world, all of it was there. She cried with happiness and longing and with sadness, too, every single time she saw it.
We discovered this little film a few months before we got married. When we came home from our wedding, sitting in the middle of our living room, was a richly dark cherrywood rocking chair with spindle stiles and a crest rail broad enough to carve a face in. In our nineteen years together, Cecily gave me many, many gifts that took my breath away and left me in tears. I think in all our nearly two decades, this rocking chair was the only time I ever really returned the favor. She knew instantly what it was, what it represented. I don't think I ever saw her cry harder for joy.
Tonight, as I lay with Maddie listening to her drift snufflingly off to sleep, I began thinking of videos that Maddie might enjoy, now that she's near to outgrowing some of her favorites. I remembered the DVD with Crac! on it. And I wondered how long it would be before Maddie could appreciate that film in something like the way her mother had. And, of course, then I began thinking about the film itself and its depiction of a young husband and wife, starting their lives together, having their family and building their home, and growing old together with such love and tenderness for one another and such interdependence, such shared support as their hair grew white and their paces slowed. And I thought of how much Cec wanted that, and how much I wanted it with her, and how difficult it is to imagine growing old without her, how unutterably sad it is to walk that road alone, without the one who made my soul sing.
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Риччи простился... пистец =(((( Richard Speight Jr. 26 апреля в 23:10 Пожаловаться Dearest Fans of SN,
**WARNING** Spoilers are a-comin', so if you watch the show and are behind in episodes, close this window now.
We'll wait...
It's the little button with the "x" in the corner of the page...
There you go.
Now, for those of you still here, hello. Sorry for the pre-episode radio silence, but I didn't want to slip up and ruin it for anyone. But now the cat is out of the bag, so I'm free to speak up. I can't tell you how amazing this "Supernatural" experience has been for me. As an actor, I've always worked in a vacuum. I do my work, watch it if I can, then move on to the next thing. Rarely am I privy to the reactions of the show's audience. And that's how it has been for me for years and years. So you can imagine my surprise when I began to realize that my brief appearances on "Supernatural" were getting such positive reactions from fans. When I was first invited to appear at a convention, I said no. It didn't make any sense to me that anyone would want to meet me based on only a few appearances on a show. When I finally did go to one (shout out to Chicago!), I was blown away. The enthusiasm you, the fans, display at those events is contagious and has made every convention I've gone to an absolute blast. After a while, I started this Facebook Fan Page, kind of as a lark, to see who - if anyone - would sign up. Now, barely a year later, I've got about 2,000 of you that I get to interact with and hear from regularly - and let me tell you, that is AMAZING! Thank you so much for being here. YOU are the ones who have kept me on the show this long. YOU are the ones who have gotten me invited to conventions. There's an old saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, actors face the same dilemma - If an actor performs, but no one watches or cares, then why do it? For the past four seasons of "Supernatural", you people have been my reason why. I am consistently astounded by the support and kind words I get from so many of you on this page. I genuinely appreciate every post, every compliment, every uploaded photo, every handmade work of art, every carefully edited video... I see them all. If I neglected to comment on something specifically, I sincerely apologize, but I can assure you that I look at and love everything that is posted on my page.
I know many of you were sorry to see my character get killed off. I was, too. When I got the sсript, I was crushed. Sure, it was another great episode in which I got some great stuff to do, but it also meant the end of my run, and that was a real disappointment. But really, it is hard to complain. I was only supposed to do one episode back in Season 2, yet it's now season 5 and I'm still here - or at least I was. That's pretty good. And what has made it even better is to have had all of you along for the ride with me. The reactions to Gabriel's death have been incredibly flattering. Someone on my page even posted a petition to save my character and bring him back to the show (www.petitionvoice.com/save-gabriel-petition.htm...). It is that kind of response that has made this experience so special for me, because if you're sorry to see my character go, that means you were glad to have him around in the first place - and that is the highest compliment an actor can ever get.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - working on "Supernatural" has been one of the highlights of my professional career. I am truly indebted to each and every one of you who have embraced my character and enabled me to come back to the show repeatedly to play - without question - the most fun character I've ever had the good fortune to play.
This is the longest message of all time. Sorry about that. I just wanted to be sure I said my proper thanks and goodbyes. I will still be here on this page and will always be thrilled to hear from any and all of you. And of course I will keep you updated about my future projects.
Enjoy the rest of the SN season. And remember, just because I'm gone doesn't mean you should stop giving Misha underwear. We don't want him to forget about me, do we?
Thanks again for making my time on "Supernatural" one helluva sweet ride.
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Он всегда комментит то, что я пишу на его стене ООООООООО.... в экстазе Кому интересно почитать? www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Richard-Speight-Jr/82564029662?v=wall&story_fbid=386118659662
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Помогите кто чем может... В общем, нужно решение вот этой задачи:
ВВП России в 1994 г . в текущих ценах составил 630000 млрд. руб. ПО сравнению с 1990 г. объем ВВП сократился на 47,2% (постоянных ценах), а текущих ценах соответствующих лет увеличился в 978 раз. Среднегодовая численность занятых в экономике по сравнению с 1990 г. сократилась на 1,5 млн. чел и составила в 1994 г. 69,4 млн.чел. Определите: 1) абсолютное изменение ВВП в 1994 г.по сравнению с 1990г (в млрд. руб). 2) Рассчитайте влияние производительности труда и изменения численности занятых на абсолютное изменение ВВП. 3) определите абсолютное изменение ВВП за счет изменения цен и физического объема.
Так... взамен... кхмм... взамен могу предложить мою вечную благодарность и преклонение перед гением =))))
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
tonnr Светти, зая моя, заходиииии! Давай выпьем? =))) Тебе вот читать дальше Я знаю, что оно у тебя все есть=)) мне просто не переплюнуть твой архив с этим мужчиной!!! =)