Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
28.04.2010 в 00:34
Пишет  Няшечка Кид:

“Gabriel Went Out Like a Man, Not a Weenie” – Richard Speight Jr. On His Character’s Exit

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Я его люблю!!! :crzgirls: :crzfan: :crzjump:

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@темы: Richard Speight Jr., Supernatural


Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
26.04.2010 в 22:33
Пишет  Literally:

Я вернулсо. Спасибо коллегам с внешним сидиромом.

Завтра сдавать диплом на проверку, ничего читать-писать не могу, чего делать не знаю, поэтому все завтра, все завтра. Одну вещь только сделаю.

 HoneySpirit написала прелестный фик.
Хоничка, я сказала, что энергетика у тебя шкалит? Я подзарядилась :)
Это тебе.
Don't Mess With Me, Марко/Олли, POV Олли

URL записи

@темы: Люю, Poets Of The Fall, ПЧ

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
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@темы: tests, флудеразм



Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
27.04.2010 в 15:13
Пишет  Восставший назло Садомазычу Габи:

Залипла на видюшке. Это даже не массаж, это эротика.

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URL записи

@темы: Видео

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
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@темы: Кто меня в детстве уронил?, Друзья, Мысли вслух

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
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@темы: Facebook доставляет, Jim Beaver

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

@темы: Supernatural



Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Риччи простился...
пистец =((((
Richard Speight Jr. 26 апреля в 23:10 Пожаловаться
Dearest Fans of SN,

**WARNING** Spoilers are a-comin', so if you watch the show and are behind in episodes, close this window now.

We'll wait...

It's the little button with the "x" in the corner of the page...

There you go.

Now, for those of you still here, hello. Sorry for the pre-episode radio silence, but I didn't want to slip up and ruin it for anyone. But now the cat is out of the bag, so I'm free to speak up. I can't tell you how amazing this "Supernatural" experience has been for me. As an actor, I've always worked in a vacuum. I do my work, watch it if I can, then move on to the next thing. Rarely am I privy to the reactions of the show's audience. And that's how it has been for me for years and years. So you can imagine my surprise when I began to realize that my brief appearances on "Supernatural" were getting such positive reactions from fans. When I was first invited to appear at a convention, I said no. It didn't make any sense to me that anyone would want to meet me based on only a few appearances on a show. When I finally did go to one (shout out to Chicago!), I was blown away. The enthusiasm you, the fans, display at those events is contagious and has made every convention I've gone to an absolute blast. After a while, I started this Facebook Fan Page, kind of as a lark, to see who - if anyone - would sign up. Now, barely a year later, I've got about 2,000 of you that I get to interact with and hear from regularly - and let me tell you, that is AMAZING! Thank you so much for being here. YOU are the ones who have kept me on the show this long. YOU are the ones who have gotten me invited to conventions. There's an old saying, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Well, actors face the same dilemma - If an actor performs, but no one watches or cares, then why do it? For the past four seasons of "Supernatural", you people have been my reason why. I am consistently astounded by the support and kind words I get from so many of you on this page. I genuinely appreciate every post, every compliment, every uploaded photo, every handmade work of art, every carefully edited video... I see them all. If I neglected to comment on something specifically, I sincerely apologize, but I can assure you that I look at and love everything that is posted on my page.

I know many of you were sorry to see my character get killed off. I was, too. When I got the sсript, I was crushed. Sure, it was another great episode in which I got some great stuff to do, but it also meant the end of my run, and that was a real disappointment. But really, it is hard to complain. I was only supposed to do one episode back in Season 2, yet it's now season 5 and I'm still here - or at least I was. That's pretty good. And what has made it even better is to have had all of you along for the ride with me. The reactions to Gabriel's death have been incredibly flattering. Someone on my page even posted a petition to save my character and bring him back to the show ( It is that kind of response that has made this experience so special for me, because if you're sorry to see my character go, that means you were glad to have him around in the first place - and that is the highest compliment an actor can ever get.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - working on "Supernatural" has been one of the highlights of my professional career. I am truly indebted to each and every one of you who have embraced my character and enabled me to come back to the show repeatedly to play - without question - the most fun character I've ever had the good fortune to play.

This is the longest message of all time. Sorry about that. I just wanted to be sure I said my proper thanks and goodbyes. I will still be here on this page and will always be thrilled to hear from any and all of you. And of course I will keep you updated about my future projects.

Enjoy the rest of the SN season. And remember, just because I'm gone doesn't mean you should stop giving Misha underwear. We don't want him to forget about me, do we?

Thanks again for making my time on "Supernatural" one helluva sweet ride.

Toodles for now.

Richard Speight, Jr.

@темы: Richard Speight Jr., Facebook доставляет, Supernatural

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Он всегда комментит то, что я пишу на его стене :heart::heart::heart:
ООООООООО.... в экстазе
Кому интересно почитать?!/pages/Richard-Speight-Jr/82564029662?v=wall&story_fbid=386118659662

@темы: Люю, Richard Speight Jr., Facebook доставляет, Supernatural


Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
 Леди Рокстон, мне нужен твой адрес :tease2:

@темы: ПЧ

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Помогите кто чем может...
В общем, нужно решение вот этой задачи:

ВВП России в 1994 г . в текущих ценах составил 630000 млрд. руб. ПО сравнению с 1990 г. объем ВВП сократился на 47,2% (постоянных ценах), а текущих ценах соответствующих лет увеличился в 978 раз. Среднегодовая численность занятых в экономике по сравнению с 1990 г. сократилась на 1,5 млн. чел и составила в 1994 г. 69,4 млн.чел.
Определите: 1) абсолютное изменение ВВП в 1994 г.по сравнению с 1990г (в млрд. руб). 2) Рассчитайте влияние производительности труда и изменения численности занятых на абсолютное изменение ВВП. 3) определите абсолютное изменение ВВП за счет изменения цен и физического объема.

Так... взамен... кхмм... взамен могу предложить мою вечную благодарность и преклонение перед гением =))))

@темы: ПЧ

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
26.04.2010 в 20:49
Пишет  Eternity [)oubt:

Рандомные гифки, стабилизирую своё моральное состояние:-D
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URL записи

@темы: Supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
14.04.2010 в 12:28
Пишет  ~TISH~:

Ричард за нашим столиком

URL записи

@темы: Richard Speight Jr., Jus In Bello, russian table, Supernatural, Видео

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
23.04.2010 в 15:38
Пишет  Миша Коллинз жестокий и коварный:

сейчас пойду писать проду к своему Сэмогейбу, где их в конце ждет свадьба на Гавайях!
А канон-сосет!

сейчас вся ф-лента в фоточках с Ричом:heart::heart::heart:
ну, какой же обаятельный мужчина:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

URL записи

@темы: Richard Speight Jr., Supernatural, Фото

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
 tonnr Светти, зая моя, заходиииии! Давай выпьем? =)))
Тебе вот
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Я знаю, что оно у тебя все есть=)) мне просто не переплюнуть твой архив с этим мужчиной!!! =)

@темы: Люю, russian table, Supernatural, Jensen Ackles, ПЧ

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

И сейчас будет ышоооо
Кися  Shadow999 :heart::heart::heart::squeeze::squeeze::squeeze::squeeze::squeeze::squeeze::squeeze:

@темы: Jus In Bello, Supernatural, ПЧ, Фото