
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
In private Q & A Jared said he would be shirtless again before Xmas -- in bed with a girl. Who he didn't pay. #chicon [safaden]
Yep, Ghostfacers are definitely coming back

@темы: С доставкой на дом Twitter (c), news, Jared Padalecki

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
10.10.2010 в 23:48
Пишет  timey_wimey_kid:

"When they were walking off the stage Jensen walked by Misha and slapped his ass."
Я умер счастливым.
Остальное даже пересказывать нет сил, ждите репортов с ontd.

URL записи

@темы: охуевать охуевашеньку!, Supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
я не еду на слешкон!
no money - no honey =)


Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
10.10.2010 в 19:46
Пишет  Valerkind:

Chicon, фотки, видео
8 октября, пятница
13:00 - Мэтт Коэн (молодой Джон Винчестер)
16:15 - Ричард Спейт младший (Трикстер)


9 октября, пятница

13:00 - Мэтт Коэн (молодой Дон Винчестер)
16:30 - Марк Шеппард (Кроули)

URL записи

@темы: Секас делать, Richard Speight Jr., Supernatural, Видео, Matt Cohen, Фото

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr


Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
С днем варенья!!!!!!! :heart:

@темы: День варенья, ПЧ


Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
10.10.2010 в 02:11
Пишет  Koryuu:

Если вам грустно и печально... если вас замучила депрессия... Посмотрите, как Мэтт Коэн изображает Дженсена/Дина и Джареда/Сэма, и вам тут же станет веселей! :-D Потрясающе и узнаваемо, Мэтт чудо :lol: :lol: :lol:

URL записи

@темы: ВНЕЗАПНО!, Секас делать, жареные соски (с), НЦы прям на месте, охуевать охуевашеньку!, Видео, Matt Cohen

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr

Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr