Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Одинокая велосипедистка... яваляюсь!!! Холм выеживается Я такой крутой перец... я умею драццо публика аплодирует, Холмс чуть склоняет голову "к вашим услугам". Следующая сцена - Уотсон обрабатывает бровь Холмса... Шерлок хвастаеццо... люди, это надо видеть!!! КАК Бреттовский Холмс хвастаеццо!!!
Потянуло на старое — тащить в бложек все, что не приколочено. Не могу не поделиться — Англия ведь
Призраки старого Лондона
В архивах института Bishopsgate хранятся фотографии старого Лондона, сделанные Обществом фотографирования реликвий старого Лондона.Снимки настолько качественны, что в окнах некоторых домов можно видеть ломти порезанного хлеба или прочитать надписи театральных афиш на магазине Св.Макклсфилда в 1883. На этих фотографиях почти нет людей, а если их изредка можно увидеть, то они кажутся почти что призраками.
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
The National Theatre has a hit on its hands. This pulsating take on Mary Shelley's 1818 gothic novel features Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller, who alternate as Victor Frankenstein and his monstrous creation. Both are captivating.
There are other reasons to regard this production as significant. It's a long-awaited return to theatre - and a first time at the National - for Danny Boyle, lately more occupied by film including his Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire and Oscar-nominated 127 Hours and presumably the London 2012 opening ceremony, which he is producing. There's also appropriately eerie music from Karl Hyde and Rick Smith of Underworld.
The opening 10 minutes are stunning. They are as atmospheric as theatre ever gets. When the naked Creature emerges from a papery womb, he writhes spectacularly. Slowly he adjusts to his surroundings, and his tentative engagement with the world is thrillingly conveyed. This exhilarating strangeness isn't ever equalled. But there is still much to savour.
The Creature's growth towards eloquence is poignant and funny. Mark Tildesley's design is full of brilliant surprises and operatic touches, and the Olivier's revolve is used adroitly.
Especially fine is Bruno Poet's lighting, which includes a giant mirrored wedge hung with bulbs that flare and wink - always to expressive effect. The scenes that concentrate on Cumberbatch and Miller are powerful. There is a compelling chemistry between them - a mix of frisson and tenderness.
Having seen each essay both roles, I'd say Cumberbatch is the more convincing as the science-mad Frankenstein. Both are superb as the Creature, models of fidgety physicality.
Nevertheless, there are problems that will trouble some theatregoers. A lot of them lie in Nick Dear's sсript.
It is no shock that Dear plays fast and loose with Shelley's original, but the rapid unfolding of the narrative spoils its clarity. The passing of time is not satisfactorily suggested.
Interesting minor characters are almost lost. Things we should be shown we are told instead; several characters are required to make long expository speeches in which the play's themes are clumsily disclosed.
The leads do a good job of redeeming the sсript's longueurs. Others fare less well. The normally excellent Ella Smith simply seems underused. Honey-voiced Naomie Harris struggles with her under-defined role as Frankenstein's bride.
George Harris appears miscast as Frankenstein's starchy father. Yet the occasionally leaden writing and patchy support don't dampen the sense that Frankenstein is bracing theatre. It's stylish and ambitious.
What's more, this humane interpretation liberates the Creature from the legacy of Boris Karloff. Able to see proceedings from the Creature's perspective, which is ultimately sad and wise, we build towards an unexpected ending. While some will cry "travesty", it's a reimagining that allows us to see this story afresh. And it looks astonishing.
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
директор: Татьяна, вам завтра надо будет... я:Вячеслав Владимирович, я себя плохо чувствую... для особо одаренных повторяю, что ОЧЕНЬ плохо себя чувствую... и могла бы вообще не выходить на работу, но я ж, блять, мать Тереза, хулЕ... директор: т.е. Вы совсем завтра не можете?.. я: Вячеслав Владимирович, Вы хотя бы иногда слушаете, что вам говорят?
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Jones, such a wonderfully inventive comic character, is Andrew Scott at his most boyish and uncool.
What is it about Jones that makes you feel protective of him? He's such a nice guy you feel that someone may try to sell him the Brooklyn Bridge and succeed. He seems like someone who might be an absolute pushover. He's an innocent untouched by the cruel world around him. It's a go0d thing his friend Art is not the type to take advantage of someone like Jones because he might get him into all sorts of serious trouble.
The funny thing is that even though Jones looks like he's going to be too innocent and nice for his own good, he isn't. He's supposed to be sort of a nerd, but as played by Andrew Scott he's just very, very understanding of his good friend Art's flights of fancy. You know that Beth, sensible, down to earth woman that she is, wouldn't be with anybody dumb or goofy. She doesn't push Jones around, and he wouldn't be with her if she was the type who did. Even though she gives him the silent treatment when he's late in meeting her on time at the apartment because he forgot his car was in the shop, she isn't mean to him and he's contrite, but not whining. They're both kind to each other no matter what. So refreshing from the constant insults and yelling on most sitcoms. Thank you Norman Lear for bringing that into our television lives.
As played by Andrew, Jones is a little bit like Barney Fife crossed with Elwood P. Dowd. Art, of course being his imaginary giant rabbit, Harvey. I don't know if I'm quite conveying the character as I see him, but maybe it's because I've never seen anyone quite like that before. You'd really love to have Jones as your best friend. Art certainly is lucky to find someone like him. Beth is the perfect ballast for him. Too bad we didn't get to see the relationships play out further. We all need a Jones in our life!
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Тишечка, девочка моя, поздравляю! Очень рада, что тебе понравился букетик Желаю тебе крепкого здоровья, денежек, чтобы твоя мечта Америка осуществилась!!! И много любви.
Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
причем сильно... целый день не вставала с кровати. желудок отказывается работать. кости все ломит... думала, сдохну. сейчас получше, но все равно... станет хуже, буду скорую вызывать.