Cumberbitch/ "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ~ Oscar Wilde/Richard!baby (c) Richard Speight jr
Jim Beaver If this Supernatural stuff had happened when I was younger, I'd have made out like a bandit at these gigs! I might have been too callow to appreciate the opportunities, but I'd have been able to act on them! If I were 30-something, I'd have been betrothed about 50 times already this weekend! I've never experienced s…uch a wave of affection. Or temptation.

@темы: Jus In Bello, Supernatural

06.04.2010 в 01:38

Я счастлива по умолчанию. Пожалуйста, не лезьте в мои настройки!!!!!
Мммм.... приятности)))))

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